Hone your skills with akeytsu's Free Characters listed below
Provided in .akt format, our test models are included in our trial version

By downloading our Free Characters or "Test 3D Models" you agree with all related provisions in our EULA, most notably :
Nukeygara's Test 3D Models are protected by French copyright laws and Nukeygara retains all ownership on Test 3D Models
Nukeygara's Test 3D Models are protected by French copyright laws and Nukeygara retains all ownership on Test 3D Models
Customer shall not copy or modify or create derivative works of Test 3D Models, except for Customer's internal purpose of training.
Customer shall not distribute, transfer, sublicense, lease, lend, rent or otherwise provide access to Test 3D Models to any third party.
You may not use Test 3D Models for any content which is is pornographic, sexually explicit, lewd, obscene, excessively violent, promotes or condones illegal activities or incites hate or violence against an ethnic, religious, or protected group.
Provided that you observe the above, you CAN use Free Characters for demo reels, educational assignements and animation contests.
You may not use Test 3D Models for any content which is is pornographic, sexually explicit, lewd, obscene, excessively violent, promotes or condones illegal activities or incites hate or violence against an ethnic, religious, or protected group.
Provided that you observe the above, you CAN use Free Characters for demo reels, educational assignements and animation contests.

Credits: Etienne "Vexod14" Beschet
Akeyboy is our first-born, our protégé, our mascot and he grew up to become stronger and swaggier. This V2 includes new modelization, PBR textures, basic face rig and a space switched skateboard
By studying his animations you'll learn how to build motion according to a pose-based philosophy.

Credits: Etienne "Vexod14" Beschet
e-LysE is an android assassin who will not shy away from her target. Armed with her katana se'll take on any foe.
Her sample file embeds basic lcomotion cyles for integration in game engines and 3D textures on top just because we want her to look gorgeous.
Her sample file embeds basic lcomotion cyles for integration in game engines and 3D textures on top just because we want her to look gorgeous.

Credits: Sergey Katsukov, Hocus Pocus Studio, Etienne Beschet
SkySurfer is a stylized space gunman still looking to recover his board and weapon lost in some remote planet. V2 now includes his skyboard and gun.
Blendshapes have been loaded and rigged in akeytsu to create facial expressions that can be assembled to create dialogs.
Blendshapes have been loaded and rigged in akeytsu to create facial expressions that can be assembled to create dialogs.

Credits: Guillaume Normand, Etienne Beschet
Petrus Taurus is a heavy quadruped blending characteristics from Triceratops and Stegausurus.
The demo file includes a functional rig and a walk as an animation sample. Study them to understand how to best rig and animate 4-leg creatures in akeytsu.
The demo file includes a functional rig and a walk as an animation sample. Study them to understand how to best rig and animate 4-leg creatures in akeytsu.

Credits: Etienne Beschet, Thomas Chaumel
Sphero is a ball full of joy walking on two legs. Its minimal skeleton makes it a great learning tool to put in the hands of 3D students.
It is the perfect model to get more familiar with rigging basics and biped animation cycles.
It is the perfect model to get more familiar with rigging basics and biped animation cycles.
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