

Here are some creations from our clients

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Snapshot Games
In this game taking turn-based strategy forward, akeytsu was the main rigging and animation tool for multipede creatures and insectoids with all sorts of alien mutations.

Light rigging and our non-destructive workflow were essential to implement new animations sets for additional mutations in the late stage of the project.


Nicolas Meyssonier / Headup Games
Inspired by Medievil and Jak & Daxter, this scary 3D platformer to be released Q4 2020 features bipeds, quadripeds and other spooky creatures rigged and animated with akeytsu.

Made by a tightly-knit indie team, accessibility was key so that everyone could give a hand.


Parallel Studio
In this poetic narrative adventure, all humans and creatures were rigged and animated with akeytsu.

For this stylized artistic game, akeytsu pose-based animation philosophy was perfect to achieve simple motions that conveys emotions within a reasonable budget.


Etienne Beschet & Thomas Chaumel
(Fan project)
In this fan project inspired by the Clone Wars, all animated game assets including Jedi Mevenn, Commander RedJaws, troopers, droids and even spacecrafts were worked on exclusively with akeytsu.

Without aleytsu ease of use and permissiveness SWR creators would never have taken it this far. 


In development
In this VR dark experience based on Slavic legends and stories, all mythical beasts are rigged and animated with akeytsu. 

Akeytsu allows for extremely quick biped rigging and prototyping before going down more complex pipelines. 


RyseUp Studios 
In this multiplayer battle arena VR shooter, akeytsu was brought in as a production tool to help pose characters for in-game presentation and marketing assets. Props were also fashioned this way to add life to the game. Finally the crossbow weapon animation was done with akeytsu.

Quick posing is definitely akeytsu's strong suit and can allow yout o churn out impactful visuals in little time. 


Galactic Gaming Guild
In this Indie production, akeytsu served as the main rigging and animation tool for tennis players and judges.

Akeytsu was considered very pleasing to work with as people on the team who had little training in 3D but great knowledge of tennis could at least tweak animations so they would be more realistic.


Hyperkinetic Studios
In this RPG where you manage inebriated heroes, akeytsu was the main tool for everything character-related. From rigging to animation through skinning.

Due to the large volume of character animations to churn out on a small team and limited time, akeytsu was a huge relief to make squares peg in round holes.
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