
Integrating with Unity

By Etienne BESCHET

With this tutorial learn how to export animations from akeytsu to Unity and preview them in the Unity viewport. Extra guidance is given to add/update assets.

Full tutorial video in video follows with important written notes underneath. Go to YouTube for quick access to video chapters


  • Press CTRL+E to access Export Settings
  • Select desired export preferences. Uncheck "Export camra target' and "Export Character node (as dummy)" if not needed
  • Make sure you selected Export Scene in dropdown menu and hit "Export"
  • Choose name and choose a location for your file


  • Import FBX into Unity
  • Locate imported character in Unity Project Files
  • In the Inspector window, in the model tab, adjust settings according to your file. In the tutorial we set Blend Shape Noamls to None to avoid unnecessary artefacts.
  • In the Inspector window, switch over to the animation tab to preview the different imported animation clips. Note that akeytsu lets you export several clips into a single FBX so you can use a single FBX as a bridge file between akeytsu and Unity.
  • In case you need to edit animation settings make sure to hit Apply so that they are written on the .meta file


  • Drag and drop character in your Scene. Drag and Drop in Hierarchy menu to set it at origin
  • Frame camera to get a good shot of the character
  • To play the animation you must first create an Animation Controller. Right-click the Inspector menu, go to Create then Animation Controller
  • Double-click Animation Controller to access State Machine
  • Expand your Character FBX file and drag and drop animation to in the Base Layer tab of the ANimation Controller window
  • To create a very simple State Machine for a single loop, right-click the box, chose Make Transition and link to Exit
  • More on State Machines available in the Unity Documentation
  • Drag and drop Animation Controller on to your Character in the Scene Hierarchy
  • Hit Play to preview animation in Viewport


Since akeytsu loads multiple animation clips in a single FBX file we'll use it as a bridge to import extra clips or update an existing one.
  • Switch over to akeytsu and open the saved FBX file.
  • Edit Animation as intended and re-export FBX as explained above
  • When going back to Unity, FBX file will automatically reload with chosen settings

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